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Welcome to the Sports Night on CSC site! This was created to (1) continue the storyline of the canceled ABC television series "Sports Night" and (2) also pay homage to this series.

The "Sports Night" storyline is continued through scripts and stories called "webisodes." Webisodes are created by combining some existing fan-fiction written by different authors, input from fans through voting, and my own writing. The webisodes are written in a form to be acted out in 21.5 to 24.5 minutes, the average amount of time for a half-hour series.

On this site, you will find the webisodes, along with some of the history, stories, and other items pertaining to "Sports Night."

An explanation of the different sections is listed below:

On the left-hand side, there is a menu with all the different sections listed. The menu is divided into two halves: the top half pertaining to the "Sports Night on CSC" series, and the bottom half pertaining to the "Sports Night" television series.

Starting with the "Sports Night on CSC" section:

Home is the first page you will see when you visit this site. On the page you will see the Current Webisode Title and a brief description of the webisode.

Below that is the "Sports Night on CSC" Encore Webisode.quot; This features a previously released webisode along with its brief description.

Moving down, there is the What's New section, which lists things which have been added or updated.

Following that are banners naming where this site has been promoted.

There is also a text menu at the bottom, which contains the same sections as the menu on the left-hand side.

Webisode Guides lists the titles and release dates of previous webisodes. Here, you may also access previous webisodes, download them, or read their summaries.

Place Your Vote! is where fans affected the storylines. They voted for their favorite selection, and the winning selection was worked into the series.

F.A.Q. is the Frequently Asked Questions on this site.

Credits list the fan fiction and authors used in previous webisodes.

Links is where you will find "Sports Night" related links.

Disclaimer is who retains what rights. (This site is just for fun!!!)

Hit-tracker lists the number of weekly hits on this site along with any additions and events happening with this site.

E-mail allows you to send e-mail to Sports Night on CSC.

The "Sports Night" section contains:

What is Sports Night? This gives you a brief explanation of the television series.

Characters lists the names and occupations of each character.

TV Episode Guide lists the titles, air dates, summaries, and some transcripts from "Sports Night" when it was on ABC from 1998-2000.

Honors and Awards lists all the honors, awards, and accolades "Sports Night" has received.

Enjoy your visit!