----- Natalie enters Dana's office. She is carrying her flowers in her arms. Dana follows from behind. Dana walks over to her desk, opens a drawer, and pulls out a clay vase. Dana: Put the flowers in here. Natalie: That's your vase. Dana: I know. Natalie: That's the vase you made on your first date with Casey. Dana: And it's meant to hold flowers. Put them inside. Natalie: Dana- Dana: Put the flowers in there. Natalie: Okay. Natalie slides the stems of the flowers inside the vase. The two steady the arrangement, and gently let it balance itself on Dana's desk. Dana: There. Natalie: It looks good. Dana: What did you want to talk about? Natalie: You need to sit down. Dana: Why do I need to sit down? Natalie: Because you've been very moody. Dana: I have not been very moody. Natalie: Yes, you have. Dana: I have not. Natalie: Dana- Dana: Okay, some things have irritated me this week. A few things. Just a couple of things. But it hasn't given me the appearance of being moody. Natalie: So you've been irritated? Dana: Yes... just a little. Natalie: Well, I'm sure the staff will be petrified to know that there is an even worse side of you when you are fully irritated. Dana: What did you want to talk about? Natalie: We've got to do something about Isaac. Dana: I don't know what's going on- Natalie: I interrupted their meeting. Dana: Natalie. Natalie: I know what they are talking about. Dana's phone rings. Dana: Hold that thought for a minute. Dana picks up the phone. Dana (into phone): Dana Whitaker. (listens) Huh? (looks angry) Listen, here buddy. This is the last time you are going to call me. I have no comment on the situation. You got that?! No comment means no comment! If you ever call this number, show up at my place again, or ever even think about contacting me, I will slap you with harassment charges and a restraining order faster than a Randy Johnson fastball aimed at your temple. You got it?! Good. Dana slams down the phone. Dana: Damn it. Natalie: I take that as someone you don't want to talk with. Dana: Rrrr... Yes. Natalie: I'm with you on this. I hate telemarketers also. Dana: Natalie, that wasn't a stupid telemarketer. Natalie: I know. Dana: Then why- Natalie: I'm trying to lighten the situation. Dana: You bring me in here to tell me something about Isaac, and now you wish to lighten the situation. Natalie: It has been my experience that you can only handle one crisis at a time. There is a knock on the door. Casey pushes open the door. Casey: Is everything all right? Natalie: We're not sure. Casey: You're not sure? Natalie: Dana just got another phone call from a reporter- Dana: For the last time. Natalie: -so she's a little irritated right now. Casey grits his teeth. Casey: You know... I've just about had it with those guys. Dana: And Natalie has some news about Isaac. Casey: What about Isaac? Dana: Natalie knows. Natalie: I was able to sneak a peak at Donna's notes. I was able to get close by complimenting her on her outfit. Dana: The Donna Karan? Natalie: Yeah. Dana: It's gorgeous. Natalie: Yeah. Casey: Donna Kendrick wearing Donna Karan. There's a lot of alliteration going on right there. Dana and Natalie stare at Casey. Casey: Well, I thought it was funny. Dana: I'm having a bad day, Casey. There's a hurricane- Natalie: Tropical storm. Dana: -shut up... there's a storm going on out there. I keep getting harassed because of you and your problems, and there's something wrong with Isaac. Right now, "Saturday Night Live" couldn't make me laugh, much less your little joke. Natalie: That's because it's not funny. Dana: Yeah, even Natalie agrees with your little alliteration. Natalie: I was talking about "Saturday Night Live." Dana: So lay it on me, Natalie. I'm sure there's more that can go wrong with today. There is a crack of lightning and all the lights go out. Natalie: Right on cue. Casey: We could make money- you and me- with your predictions. A shadowy figure appears in Dana's doorway. "The Twins are holding a brief press conference after today's practice." Dana: And we're going to miss it because of the loss of power? "If it doesn't come back on within the next two hours." Dana drops her head. Dana: Thanks, Elliott. And why did the generators conk out during the storm? "There's flooding in the basement. It got some of the generators." Dana: Thanks. "We should have gotten sandbags." "Sandbags to stop the flooding." Dana: Is that Chris and Will outside? "Yeah." "Yeah." Dana: Is Dave out there also? "Yeah." Dana: Dave, do me a favor. "Sure." Dana: Kill Chris and Will. "Okay." Casey: Dana- Dana: Casey, you know the best thing you can do for me, right now? Casey: Besides 'shut up'? Dana: Second best thing. Casey: No. Dana: Go out and buy me a lottery ticket. Casey: Buy you a lottery ticket? Dana: Yes. Casey: You want me to risk life and limb while fighting the winds, torrential downpours, frequent lightning, and flash flooding just to get you a lottery ticket? Dana: Yes. Natalie: Get me one also. Casey: Has everyone just gone nuts? Natalie: You bring good luck. Casey: I what? Natalie: Whenever you purchase scratch-off tickets, you win. Casey: I've only done it once. Natalie: And that's a hell of a winning percentage. Casey: The odds are not in my favor of winning again. Natalie: You bring good luck. Dana: Casey, just do it. Casey: Have you become my mother? "Buy me one also, Casey." "Me, too." "I've got two dollars." "We'll all chip in." Casey: Every one of you want to see me die with a fistful of lottery tickets. Natalie: You bring good luck. Casey: Guys- Dana: Casey. Casey: I will do it under one condition. Natalie: What's that? Casey: I believe I deserve a cut of the winnings because I am risking my well-being for you. Natalie: What kind of cut? Casey: Twenty-five percent. Natalie: Ten percent. Casey: Twenty percent. Natalie: Ten percent. Casey: Hey, did you notice that I went down just there? This is a part of negotiations. Natalie: And I'm firm at ten percent. Casey: I just won't go out and buy your tickets. Natalie: Fine. Dana: Casey. Casey: Okay. Fifteen percent. Natalie: Fifteen percent. Deal. Natalie fills Casey's hand with a bunch of crinkled dollar bills. Natalie: Get us a winner. ----- The darkened newsroom is lit by frequent lightning. Dan stands by the windows and watches the storm. Dan: Man against the forces of nature. The battle begins. "You shouldn't stand so close to the windows." Dan: Why? "Don't you hear them rattling?" Dan: No. "Listen." Dan: All I hear is the constant thunder. This is the battle. It's a constant rumbling. "That rumbling isn't the thunder. The battle is the wind blowing against the windows." Dan takes a step back from the windows. Dan: Thanks, Jeremy. Jeremy: You're welcome. Dan: How are we going to do some work? Jeremy: We can't watch games or edit tapes, but there are things we can do. Dan: We don't have power. Jeremy: The last time I checked, pens, paper, and candlelight doesn't have an electrical cord attached to them. Dan: Ah. Jeremy: The battle? Dan: Yes, the battle. This storm can knock out the power, but mankind is resourceful. I have paper, pens, and candles. Dan starts walking and runs hard into a desk. Jeremy: The battle? Dan: There is no need to hurry. Jeremy: Are you all right? Dan: I'll be fine. Jeremy: Does anybody have any matches? The sound of a match being lit can be heard. A small flame travels and lights a candle. The flame lights a second and then a third candle. Kim grabs the candles and hands one to Jeremy and one to Dan. Kim: You'll probably need this. Dan: Thanks, Kim. Jeremy: Thank you. Kim: You're welcome. Dan: You know, Kim, the candlelight really brings out your eyes. Kim: It does? Dan: Yes, it does. Kim: What color are they? Dan: Brown. Kim: Lucky guess. Dan: I'm just saying that with the candlelight, the absence of work to do, and if it wasn't for the fact that I was already seeing somebody, I might be inclined to spend some quality time with you. Kim: You would like to spend some quality time with me? Dan: I'm just saying that if things were completely different. Plus, doesn't this battle between man and nature just make things a little more exciting? Kim: Just a little. Dan: See? Kim: But not that much. Dan: Okay. Kim: Don't you have pen, paper, and work to do? Dan: Yeah, but there's one problem. Kim: What's that? Dan: I have no feeling in my leg. Aaauugh. That desk hurt. ----- Isaac is sitting in his office. The room is dimly lit with candlelight. There is a knock on the door. Dana: What if we don't have power by 11? Natalie: What will the network show? Isaac: It's four o'clock, and I've been promised that power will be restored within the hour. There's no need to panic. Dana and Natalie enter the office. Dana: What if the building blows away? Isaac: It's not going to blow away. Dana: It might. Isaac: Only if the building agrees to take me with it. Dana: You're in negotiations with the building? Natalie: And with a talking building to boot. Isaac: What do you two want? Dana sits in front of Isaac's desk. Dana: I think it is horrible what they are doing to you. Isaac: Who? Natalie: The network. Isaac: And what are they doing? Dana: They're trying to force you into retirement. Isaac: Who said that? Dana: The network. Isaac: And how did you come about this information? Dana: Natalie told me. Isaac: Natalie? Natalie: Hey, I caught a glimpse of Donna's notes. Plus, you didn't have anything regarding improving the show when I magically appeared. Isaac: I see. And you figured they are going to force me into retirement? Natalie: Deductive reasoning. Isaac: Your reasoning is wrong. Dana: Isaac. Isaac: The reasoning is wrong. Dana: How is it wrong? Isaac: It is wrong. Dana: Okay. Natalie: I'm sorry we bothered you. Dana and Natalie start to leave the office. Isaac: They're looking for an excuse to get rid of me. Dana and Natalie stop, turn, and face Isaac. Dana: They're saying that you're too old? Isaac: They're concerned about my health. They're afraid I may have another stroke. Dana: It's not like catching a cold. Isaac: I am well aware of that. Dana: What did you tell them? Isaac: That my health is fine. Dana: Did you show them your doctor's report? Did you show them the results of your physical? Isaac: I shouldn't need a doctor's excuse to keep this job. Dana: Isaac, we can do something. Isaac: Let me tell you a little something about the way business runs. If the people running the business want to make a change and put their kind of people in positions to carry out their wishes, then they will find a way. I've seen plenty of people take the fall because the corporate higher-ups didn't like them. The higher-ups need to justify letting a particular person go, and they usually find a way to make the job more difficult or put them in a position to fail. It's only a matter of time before they can legally justify letting that person go. Dana: Isaac, we'll watch your back. Natalie: We're right behind you. We'll take care of you. Isaac: Be careful. Dana: Isaac, if they ask me what I think of you, I will tell them- I will tell them, Isaac- that you are the most reputable man I've ever had the opportunity to work for. You've taught me so much, and if you were to go, you'd be taking a huge chunk of the network with you. Isaac: Thank you, Dana. But you need to be careful because I need to do my job. Dana: Okay. There is silence in the room. Isaac: I wasn't supposed to be here. Dana: What? Natalie: Who is supposed to be here? Isaac: Somebody else. Dana: What made you say that? Isaac: The fact that the network is surprised at the performance of the shows... considering my work load, health, and age. Dana: Really? Isaac: You two have to keep it under your hat. Dana: Isaac- Isaac: If word gets out, and they trace the leak back to you two, you two could be the ones on the street. Dana: We won't say anything. Right, Natalie? Natalie: Right. Isaac: I need you two to run my show. I can't do it without you. And without you, they might as well let me go. Dana: Without you, they might as well let me go. Isaac: Just keep it under your hat. Dana: Okay. Natalie: Yes, sir. Dana and Natalie leave the office. The two start walking down the darkened corridor. Natalie: Dana, you were right. Dana: I was right about what? Natalie: About what you said earlier today. Dana: What did I say? Natalie: It's coming. Dana stops walking. Dana: Yeah... It's coming. ...to be continued... |