Written by:
Jim Hamilton
Estimated Run Time:
There is a packed crowd at Anthony's restaurant. A table, which normally seats six, is occupied only by Jeremy and Natalie. The two are in the midst a debate, and Natalie is trying to make her case by using a particular article from that day's newspaper.
Natalie: It's right there, Jeremy.
Jeremy: Okay.
Elliott walks, with beer in hand, over to the table.
Elliott: Where's everybody?
Natalie: Dan, Casey, and Dana are in the other room watching Casey's broadcast.
Elliott looks toward Dan, Casey, and Dana. He sees the trio huddled around a television and closely watching Casey's program. Elliott turns back to Natalie and Jeremy.
Elliott: Yeah. Have you guys heard about the rumors?
Natalie: They are coming true.
Elliott: It's official?
Jeremy: Natalie's citing unnamed sources.
Natalie: It's here in black-and-white.
Dan, Casey, and Dana continue to watch Casey's broadcast.
Dan: Who chose your wardrobe?
Casey: It's bad lighting.
Dan: I think they chose not to light that hideous outfit you are wearing.
Casey: It's bad lighting. We had to bring in some new lighting technicians.
Dan: Apparently they are cross-eyed and have difficulty figuring out angles and the on-off switch.
Casey: You just drive people insane, Danny. No wonder Dana has to rotate anchors working with you.
Dan: I think Dana drives them insane all by her lonesome.
Dana: Don't drag me into this. You two continue on with your tête-à-tête.
Casey: Mais oui.
Casey takes a sip of beer.
Dan: This is a really good show.
Casey: Thank you.
Dan: The storytelling is riveting, but there is one aspect I'm particularly focused on.
Casey: Which is?
Dan: Your tie. Is that polka-dots?
Casey: It is not polka-dots. It is a dotted-pattern.
Dan: Polka-dots.
Casey: It is not polka-dots.
Dan: Whatever. That tie is bound to start some rumors.
Casey: Are you suggesting I can't dress myself? I'll let you know I own an extensive wardrobe, and I can go from casual to professional to laid-back very easily.
Dan: Ah. So you're stuck in transition.
Casey: Danny. I can dress myself.
Dan looks over Casey and checks out his attire from head to toe. Dan smiles, knowing Casey is wrong and he is right.
Dan: Yeah. Browns shoes, blue socks, and brown pants. Pretty sharp, I say.
Casey: Well... it's laundry day.
Natalie interrupts the gentlemen by thrusting the newspaper article within their sight.
Natalie: If either one of you were to read this article, what would you be led to believe?
Dan: I'd be led to believe your being a little obsessive over it.
Natalie: I am showing concern for our professional futures.
Casey: Is that the article saying CSC is in talks to start a new series with a couple of new hosts?
Natalie: Exactly.
Casey: Ah. More anchors for Danny to drive insane.
Dan: Yeah.
Dana: They're just rumors. The quote new series unquote would fall under Isaac's guidance, and Isaac and I haven't started conducting formal interviews, much less making contract offers.
Casey: I thought you wanted to remain free of this conversation.
Dana: I only jumped in because those rumors are not true.
Dan: Case, if Dana waited until now to jump in, that means only one thing.
Casey: What's that?
Dan: She agrees with me about your hideous outfit.
Inside his office, Sam Donovan is flipping through some paperwork at his desk. Sam continues reviewing, even after there is a knock on his open door.
Sam: Yeah.
"Good evening, Sam. Am I interrupting something?"
Once he recognizes Isaac's voice, Sam stops his work.
Sam: Nah. You know, I'm just doing... stuff.
Isaac: Checking over the latest numbers?
Sam: We've got some new cable markets: Allegheny Cable and Chimney Rock Communications. Even though the numbers are minute, they help add to the national average.
Isaac: Good. Anything helps. (pauses) Did I see Lorie Allen and Jarrod Burke walking through the newsroom?
Sam: I suppose. I've been in here most of the evening, so there is a distinct possibility you may have witnessed Loni and Jerry.
Isaac: Lorie and Jarrod.
Sam: Yeah.
Isaac: Have you read the articles regarding those two?
Sam: I tend to shy away from the news. I find that the print media slants stories in a certain direction just to attract a larger readership.
Isaac: Doesn't that fit your job description: attracting a larger viewership?
Sam: Yeah, but this is television.
Isaac: So you haven't read any memos or been in attendance at meetings regarding a new series involving those two.
Sam: I've heard there have been ongoing negotiations.
Isaac: Why haven't I been involved?
Sam: You were fairly ill last week.
Isaac: I had the flu. I was out for two days.
Isaac takes a deep breath and reflects on the possible new series.
Isaac: Is there going to be conflict with my shows?
Sam: That's not their intentions.
Isaac slides his hands into his jacket pockets.
Isaac: Yeah. Thanks for the information.
Sam: No problem.
Sam watches Isaac leave the office.
Casey, Dana, and Dan join Jeremy and Natalie at their table.
Natalie: How was the show?
Dan: Casey certainly can't dress himself.
Casey: It was bad lighting.
Dana: We're just trying to support Casey's show by watching it and encouraging others to watch - which, may I remind you, neither of you even took a gander during the previous hour.
Natalie: That's because Jeremy and I saw its original broadcast.
Jeremy: Plus, this restaurant isn't a part of the Nielsen family, so what Anthony's airs is fairly irrelevant.
Dan: I just can't wait until it comes out on DVD. I could add it to my collection - twelve hours of nothing but Casey McCall.
Casey: First of all, it's not twelve hours, it's thirteen.
Dan: You mean there is a missing episode?
Casey: Second, it's not me all the time. It's just me most of the time. And third, Danny, there will be no DVD release. The network doesn't do a video release on informative and time-sensitive programming.
Dan: I guess I can stop trying to think of what to wear to your release party.
Natalie: And speaking of release parties...
Four sets of eyes focus in on Jeremy.
Jeremy: What? It was a release party for her upcoming pictorial.
Dan: Yeah. In order to go to a Lorie Allen pictorial release party, one has to know people.
Casey: (to Dan) Obviously, Jeremy knows people.
Jeremy: It was tastefully done. She was wearing clothes... mostly.
Dana: Are you sure you didn't ask her to apply for a position with the network, our network?
Jeremy: I swear on my mother, Dana.
Dan: Hey, hey, hey. There should be no swearing of mothers in here.
Casey: Let's not leave "Mr. Underwear Model" Jarrod out in the cold.
Dan: Hold on, Case. I heard that Jarrod was trying to be a serious actor - a serious B-movie actor - but a serious actor nonetheless.
Jeremy: The article of their contract offers is speculation.
Dan: At least the network won't have to spend a lot of money on their wardrobes.